Setting The Scene Book! It’s Here!

We all know that dialogue is important. Dialogue is how we interact with other character and it is a critical part of our simming style. We write dialogue and leave tags for other characters to interact with. But what about the parts of a story that are not dialogue? The action and description in a scene is as important as the dialogue, but sometimes we forget it or leave it out entirely. Learning how to add good descriptions is a vital part of becoming a stronger writer. 

Setting is the context in which a story or scene occurs and includes the time, place, and social environment. It is important to establish a setting in your story, so your readers can visualize and experience it. Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, it is critical to establish a setting in your scenes and story. You will learn the importance of setting a scene and how to do it right. We’ll be getting into how to add just the right amount of detail and how to use scenes to build your story. This is great for all those fiction writers who struggle with imagery and descriptions. 

The information you will receive is:

  1. What is a Scene?
  2. Examples of Effective Scene Setting
  3. How to Write a Scene
  4. Scene Sketch Exercise

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